A Reputation For Revenge (Harlequin LP Presents Series #3124)

A Reputation For Revenge - Jennie Lucas 2.5 starsAh, once again I find myself so damned conflicted about this one!! The practical side of me says that this was a good one, but the romantic side of me wants, well, a bit more romance and sweetness.In all fairness, Jennie Lucas is a great author. Her plots really are very well though out and executed, twisting and turning unexpectedly. She plays havoc with your heartstrings, Jennie Lucas. But, for me at least, this isn't the kind of havoc I enjoy. I like the Diana Palmer kind of havoc. Anyhoo, I digress.I liked this heroine quite a bit more than I liked the previous one. There were only two things about her that irked me - her reluctance to admit her love for the hero, and the fact that she left him. (Although saying that her leaving the hero 'irked' me would be an understatement.)She was a total sweetheart, and overly innocent. But *cough cough* she leaves him. I just want a heroine who loves the hero unconditionally and stays and fights and never gives up on him. Is that too much to ask?End of rant. Back to review.So the heroine was a sweetheart, the hero was deliciously cynical, and the chemistry sizzling. I loved how the hero's love for her mellowed him and turned him softer, and I also loved how the hero's brother's love for the heroine's sister made him (the brother) softer too. The reunion between the two brothers at the end was so heartbreaking-ly beautiful.